Thursday, November 27, 2008

Spiced Pears with Honey, Chevre, and Pinenuts

Our Thanksgiving prelude... : ) I got a little excited and wanted to make these today, even though Thanksgiving is tomorrow. I couldn't find any local pears so went with some small bosc pears that I found at Whole Foods. Enjoy!

small pears, any variety
1/4 cup butter (at most -- I used less)
2 1/2 tablespoons mild honey
splash of port wine
minced ginger to taste
chevre to taste
pine nuts for garnish

Making honey caramel is so fun! Start by making a little brown butter in a shallow stainless steel pan. When the butter has browned, add the pears, faced down. Then drizzle in the honey, letting the two liquids caramelize. The caramel will bubble and look delicious the whole time : ) I covered the pan and let the pears cook for a good ten minutes on the lowest setting that my stove allows to prevent the butter from burning. Stir with a wooden spoon and add water as necessary. Add the pinenuts when the pairs are half-cooked. Assemble the pears with the cheese filling and drizzle sauce to taste.

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